But what can we do with them? Perhaps we can alter the perception of what a digital collectible really is. For now, all you need to know is that I’m taking NFTs very seriously, and they will be forever part of my work. I will be adding links in a different way, but for now, you can explore a few places where you might find me… There are more worlds than this coming…
https://objkt.com/profile/tz1SpzwhCKNKE5vDiEweAeHVvAwpi4djHyUh/created (Tezos)
https://kalamint.io/user/endpop (Tezos)
https://wax.atomichub.io/creator/collection/endpopmatter (WAX)
https://zora.co/endpop (ETH)
https://foundation.app/@endpop (ETH)
https://mintable.app/u/endpop (ETH)
https://rarible.com/endpop (ETH)